Thursday, March 7, 2019

Response 3

Agent 21 By Chris Ryan

Agent 21 is a series and I'm responding to book 2 even though I'm up to book four.

In the second book, Zak Darke had to go to Angola to place an explosive device on a suspected terrorist ship, called the MV Mercantile. During the time he spent days scouting the area where the ship was supposed to dock while in Mangola he stayed at a camp to help build a school. He meets a girl who was also an agent. They both went on to the ship while it was docked and he placed the bomb but the girl yelled saying he was on the boat, they both got put in a cell. Zak wouldn't tell the ship captain why he was on the ship in the first place but they put a pillowcase over his head and tied him to the ship railings while it was storming outside. He didn't tell them anything.  They went and traveled to meet Cruz Martinez who wants to kill Zak, Cruz fell off the boat into the rough sea. Both of the ships got destroyed and Zak and the other agent made it out safely. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Response 2

Agent 21 By Chris Ryan

Agent 21 is a series and I'm responding to book 1 even though I'm up to book three.
I think the title fits the book. Zak Darke doesn't become Agent 21 until a bit later in the story. There is no connection at all between this book and my life because I am not an agent.

In the book, a boy called Zak Darke lost his parents to food poisoning and then he had to stay with his Aunty and Uncle and his cousin Ellie. Zak didn't think his parent's death added up. He started getting followed and then he meets with the guy who calls himself Micheal, and Micheal wants Zak to become agent 21, he explains why, and then tells him his teacher works for him and keeps him up to date with Zaks progress. Zak agreed and then a guy came into his home and made it seem like the place got robbed, Zak went into a helicopter and got taken to an island. Micheal framed Zaks death. He started his training and Raf, and Gab helped him. After serval months he got sent to do a mission, the identity he was going as was 'Harry Gold' a rich boy staying with his uncle. Zak had to befriend a druglords son and then lead the armed forces into the area to capture the drug lord, but instead, the druglord got shot in front of his son Cruz. Cruz then wanted to capture and kill Zak because he shot his father even though Gabs did because he tried to kill Zak. The mission was complete.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Response 1

Sunken Forest by Des Hunt

I think the title fits the book because in the story it involves a part where trees that have been there for a long time had sunk and made it seem like a forest under water. It also is the start of the friendship he made with Elsa (The Eel). My favorite characters were all of them, I mean they all had a part in the story and made it interesting and brought the story together. There isn't actually a connection in the story that is connected with my own life. I do have a cat and we are good friends.

In the book, a boy called Matthew Smith got sent to live with his grandmother in Hastings after his father got sent to jail.  He got sent to a Military Style camp in the bush near Lake Waikaremoana as a punishment for something he didn't do. He meets a guy called Satch, they became friends. During Matts free-time, he meets an eel he nicknamed Elsa and then word gets out and then he has to try and save Elsa's life from the class bad-boy, Cameron. But then after a night of really heavy rain, bad things happen to the camp and then Matt becomes a hero.