Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Response 1

Sunken Forest by Des Hunt

I think the title fits the book because in the story it involves a part where trees that have been there for a long time had sunk and made it seem like a forest under water. It also is the start of the friendship he made with Elsa (The Eel). My favorite characters were all of them, I mean they all had a part in the story and made it interesting and brought the story together. There isn't actually a connection in the story that is connected with my own life. I do have a cat and we are good friends.

In the book, a boy called Matthew Smith got sent to live with his grandmother in Hastings after his father got sent to jail.  He got sent to a Military Style camp in the bush near Lake Waikaremoana as a punishment for something he didn't do. He meets a guy called Satch, they became friends. During Matts free-time, he meets an eel he nicknamed Elsa and then word gets out and then he has to try and save Elsa's life from the class bad-boy, Cameron. But then after a night of really heavy rain, bad things happen to the camp and then Matt becomes a hero.

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