Thursday, March 7, 2019

Response 3

Agent 21 By Chris Ryan

Agent 21 is a series and I'm responding to book 2 even though I'm up to book four.

In the second book, Zak Darke had to go to Angola to place an explosive device on a suspected terrorist ship, called the MV Mercantile. During the time he spent days scouting the area where the ship was supposed to dock while in Mangola he stayed at a camp to help build a school. He meets a girl who was also an agent. They both went on to the ship while it was docked and he placed the bomb but the girl yelled saying he was on the boat, they both got put in a cell. Zak wouldn't tell the ship captain why he was on the ship in the first place but they put a pillowcase over his head and tied him to the ship railings while it was storming outside. He didn't tell them anything.  They went and traveled to meet Cruz Martinez who wants to kill Zak, Cruz fell off the boat into the rough sea. Both of the ships got destroyed and Zak and the other agent made it out safely.